Where Have You Been?

A friend of mine mentioned having a mental map of the states she'd visited. I thought it might be interesting to make an actual one. Dark green are places I've lived. Light green are places I've visited.

My general rules are that to count a place, I must have slept and eaten there. Airports don't count.

Good free maps used to be hard to find, but here's a site that has some good ones: d-maps.com

NEW! The stamps I've collected in my passports

The World

Countries lived in:

  1. United States of America

Countries visited:

  1. India
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Belgium
  4. Germany
  5. Spain
  6. Italy
  7. Austria
  8. Czech Republic
  9. Netherlands
  10. Guatemala
  11. Belize
  12. Mexico
  13. Canada
  14. Chile
  15. Argentina
  16. Peru
  17. Cambodia
  18. Vietnam
  19. Honduras
  20. Morocco
  21. Greece
  22. Turkey
  23. El Salvador
  24. Luxembourg
  25. Hungary
  26. Romania
  27. Moldova
  28. Ukraine
  29. Russia
  30. Kazakhstan
  31. Uzbekistan
  32. Mongolia
  33. China
  34. Japan
  35. Indonesia
  36. Australia
  37. Poland
  38. Lithuania
  39. Latvia
  40. Estonia
  41. Finland
  42. Nicaragua
  43. Costa Rica
  44. Bulgaria
  45. Serbia
  46. Croatia
  47. Ireland
  48. Dominica
  49. Grenada
  50. Liechtenstein
  51. Switzerland
  52. United Arab Emirates
  53. Maldives
  54. Iceland
  55. Palau
  56. Kenya
  57. Tanzania
  58. The Bahamas
  59. Portugal
  60. Panama
  61. New Zealand
  62. Taiwan

Countries I've entered, but not both eaten and slept in:

  1. France
  2. Slovakia
  3. Montenegro

North America

Countries lived in:

  1. United States of America

Countries visited:

  1. Guatemala
  2. Belize
  3. Mexico
  4. Canada
  5. Honduras
  6. El Salvador
  7. Nicaragua
  8. Costa Rica
  9. Dominica
  10. Grenada
  11. The Bahamas
  12. Panama

The United States of America

States lived in:

  1. New York
  2. Texas
  3. Pennsylvania
  4. Connecticut
  5. Massachusetts
  6. California

States visited:

  1. New Jersey
  2. Rhode Island
  3. New Hampshire
  4. Maryland
  5. Maine
  6. Florida
  7. Hawaii
  8. Colorado
  9. Louisiana
  10. Oregon
  11. Washington
  12. Nevada
  13. Arizona
  14. Utah
  15. Wisconsin
  16. Idaho
  17. Montana
  18. Wyoming
  19. South Dakota
  20. Minnesota
  21. Illinois
  22. Michigan
  23. Vermont
  24. Delaware
  25. Virginia
  26. West Virginia
  27. North Carolina
  28. Tennessee
  29. Kentucky
  30. Alabama
  31. Mississippi
  32. Iowa
  33. Oklahoma
  34. New Mexico
  35. Georgia
  36. South Carolina
  37. Arkansas
  38. Missouri
  39. Alaska

Territories visited:

  1. Washington DC
  2. Puerto Rico
  3. Guam


Provinces visited:

  1. British Columbia
  2. Alberta
  3. Ontario

South America

Countries visited:

  1. Chile
  2. Argentina
  3. Peru


Countries visited:

  1. United Kingdom
  2. Belgium
  3. Germany
  4. Spain
  5. Italy
  6. Austria
  7. Czech Republic
  8. Netherlands
  9. Greece
  10. Turkey (Only Partially in Europe)
  11. Luxembourg
  12. Hungary
  13. Romania
  14. Moldova
  15. Ukraine
  16. Russia (Only Partially in Europe)
  17. Kazakhstan (Only Partially in Europe)
  18. Poland
  19. Lithuania
  20. Latvia
  21. Estonia
  22. Bulgaria
  23. Serbia
  24. Croatia
  25. Ireland
  26. Liechtenstein
  27. Switzerland
  28. Iceland
  29. Portugal


Countries visited:

  1. India
  2. Cambodia
  3. Vietnam
  4. Turkey (Only Partially in Asia)
  5. Russia (Only Partially in Asia)
  6. Kazakhstan (Only Partially in Asia)
  7. Uzbekistan
  8. Mongolia
  9. China
  10. Japan
  11. Indonesia
  12. United Arab Emirates
  13. Maldives
  14. Taiwan


Countries visited:

  1. Morocco
  2. Kenya
  3. Tanzania


Countries visited:

  1. Australia
  2. Palau
  3. New Zealand

Last Modified 08 Feg 2024 by Aneel Nazareth